
Weekend Update (& Recipes)

Is it Monday already? This weekend went by much too quickly. Friday marked one week of having Ginger, and this little cutieface is settling in quite nicely:


Saturday morning I dragged my grandmother to a new thrift shop near her house to look at some dining chairs I'd seen on Craigslist, and we spent a good hour or two browsing in the cleanest thrift store either of us had ever seen (if you're in the DFW area, check them out!). That night I had some friends over for dinner and a movie, which was a treat for me because I got to cook! I've really missed having J to make dinner for. I made my favorite crock pot teriyaki chicken with rice, some green beans, and cheesy garlic bread. Click the links below for recipes and instructions! I was so busy that I forgot to photograph my own process, so the photos below are from their respective links.

Food Collage

crock pot teriyaki chicken green beans w/lemon butter garlic cheese pull-apart bread

Ginger helped:

photo 6

I spent Sunday morning cleaning my chairs (more on the DIY process later) while watching HGTV for inspiration, and then baked up some potato skins before heading over to a family Superbowl party. Btw, I found most of the commercials a little disappointing (apart from Coca-Cola and Cheerios, despite some people's opinions), but I loved the GoldieBlox commercial (I've posted about them before). They posted the full-length version on Facebook and it's awesome. Also, the city where I went to college got a brief cameo in the Need For Speed promo at 00:07 and 00:11! I hope your weekend was just as fun, here are a few more photos of mine! Enjoy (:

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