
Friday Five: Web Finds

Happy Friday! It's been a busy few weeks at work for me, and it's not going to let up soon, but at least tomorrow is the first official day of summer! The forecast around here is looking a little cloudy, so if you're spending it indoors (like me, who'll probably be working, catching up on laundry, and emptying my DVR), here are a few of my favorite finds from around the web this week to keep you entertained. Enjoy! xo


Rosetta Stone Level 1-3 Sets are 50% on Amazon TODAY ONLY. I'm so tempted.

I know I'm guilty of this bad habit, are you?

If you love a good deal, you need to follow this blog. Plus she's got a pretty great name.

These shirts made me laugh.

I just ordered this and can't wait to try it out! Maybe my hair will look like the girl in the photo?